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"I think it's really wonderful!"

- Pendleton Ward -

Adventure Time


   Below you'll find some of the feedback from backers taken directly from our Kickstarter campaign comments page. We can talk all day about how useful we think our book will be for you, but sometimes it's best to let recipients themselves speak for us. 

Thank you so much guys. It's been an incredible ride. To have had you all along with us made it not only possible but so much more enjoyable and so very worthwhile!
Here's to the next adventure!

Draw Like a Boss - illustration
Draw Like a Boss - icon



I received my book in the mail the other day and what an amazing book it is. Glancing through the pages I can see the passion and vast knowledge that lies within. The book looks incredible, feels heavy, and is well constructed. I just want to thank you Ash for building a great book on drawing all those years ago (2013).

It is great to finally hold and read what you envisioned. I hope this is not the last book with your names on it. I look forward to future projects and would gladly support you endeavours. For now, I raise a pint to you on a job well done.


I’m gobsmacked, literally the most amazing book ever. I’m massively proud of what you have created - I’m a huge fan of the art style and attention to the layout in the book. I just love it. Wow, :D I’m learning so much

Cody Murphy

Thank you so much. It’s amazing to finally hold this book. I ran to the mailbox everyday like a kid. One day I will hand it down to my son. Maybe down the road he will read through the names on the back and discover mine. I’ll leave that as an easter egg for him to discover on his own.


Hey! This message is just to let you know that I received the book and it’s truly beautiful! Thanks again, and can’t wait to delve more into it!

Rick Harmsen

Woop! I received my book yesterday, loving it! Looks amazing! :D It Looks good and the playing cards are a nice surprise! :D Really amazing to have such a great book with my name in it. So much motivation to progress my drawings now! Looking forward to projects to come, I’ll be there to support!


Hey Ash! I received my book and it is just GREAT. Thank you so much for your time and work.

Niclas Forsen

The book is final in my hands! It is not as wonderful as I thought it would be…. It is much better! Fantastic job Ash, and of course a big thank you to all backers, we made this possible together!

Matt J Cody

Guess what turned up before!!! So amazing! It was a pretty special feeling seeing my name on the wall of contributors. Also showed me how big this has become. You did an amazing job. It’s truly a work of art that will hopefully spawn more works of art through your fans. Can’s thank you enough!

Richard Bullen

There is another book planned? WHERE DO I SIGN UP? TAKE MY MONEY! You tease, you!

Kaz Wright (again)

Honestly I keep getting my book out and looking at it lovingly. I can’t quite bear to actually use it and bend the pages etc. It’s that nice


:)))) Wow, I have to say I am both happy and impressed, I never had a doubt this is going to be good, but it exceeded my expectations! Congratulations I hope the book becomes a success as you probably hoped! I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into it. It has always been a dream of mine to learn to draw…. Like a boss! Thanks a lot for the upgrade and for the fantastic journey, and I look forward to what’s next :D

Andre via Kickstarter

It’s HUGE and it’s beautiful!

Draw Like a Boss - illustration

What people said...

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